Yes, we can! Our tutors can either travel to you or, in most cases, you can come to us for sessions.
Absolutely. All our tutors are highly experienced and trained to work with students with special educational needs. Every session is customized to suit the individual’s learning style and requirements.
Yes, many of our tutors are skilled in multiple subjects. You’re welcome to switch between subjects as needed, whether weekly or occasionally. Just let us know in advance so we can prepare the appropriate resources.
Of course! We’re happy to provide tutoring for all ages and abilities.
Yes, every one of our tutors has been DBS checked for your peace of mind.
For students within 5 miles of Didcot, Abingdon, or Wallingford, there are no additional travel costs.
None at all! The cost covers everything, including all resources and printing.
Yes, we do. While we encourage regular weekly sessions for consistency, we understand that busy schedules might require flexibility. One-off sessions can be arranged to suit your needs.
Yes, you’re welcome to work with as many of our tutors as you need, depending on your requirements.
We highly recommend booking for a term or year to secure a consistent time and day each week. However, we can be flexible if required.
Absolutely! Let us know the subject or topic, and we’ll prepare everything you need to succeed.
Please reach out to us with your specific requirements. We’ll do everything possible to accommodate your needs.
Payment is made via bank transfer. Bank details will be provided once your booking is confirmed. We encourage payment at least a month in advance, but as long as payment is made by the end of each session, that’s fine.
Yes, we do! We offer intensive revision courses before exams and additional sessions during holidays to help students stay on top of their studies.